This particular Santa has been at the same place or over 14 years. So he is the only one the kids have had their pictures taken with. It was nice when Dalton was little and noticed things like that. He never questioned anything about Santa because it was always the same one. Ahh the little things in life, if this Santa only knew how easy he makes my life.
Flashback Friday - Valentine’s Day
1 week ago
Is that the cutest and most perfect Santa picture EVER???? I am pretty sure it is!
Lottie and Emma are still terrified of day...
I knew I'd find a great Christmas picture on your blog! How happy she looks! I was wondering if Adalyn could put my order in with the big guy in red? Miss you guys!
We haven't ventured out yet to meet Santa. I wonder how Ava will do? When I look at Adalyn...I think, now that's complete bliss.
Just darling, what a sweet picture!
We haven't ventured out yet this year for Santa pictures, but last year Emma walked up to Santa, stuck our her little hand for shaking and said "don't touch me" but then went on to talk to him!
We were in Brown County last weekend and she did talk to the Santa there without giving him any instructions about not touching her. Unfortuantely my canon baby is in the shop :-(
Hi Marla,
What a precious pic. Adalyn has such a pretty smile. And what a cute dress!! Mia said she doesn't want Santa to come to our house and has cried about it two nights in a row. I think it will be another year before she is brave like Adalyn.
Have a great weekend!
That's my Girl. She is so beautiful and so happy!!!
I love this precious picture.
oh she looks SOOO thrilled!
Love it:)
TOO CUTE!! All of these Santa photos reminds me of the fact I need to take my kids to go see SANTA! We usually go to our community holiday party but due to Bug's dance schedule we have to miss it this year! Oy!
I know my girl will cry again this year. Can you give me some tips?
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