These pictures where taken by Felicia.
We had a blast tonight meeting our blogging buddies! Its so amazing how we can meet for the first time and its like we all live in the same community and see each other all the time. Our kids played together like they see each other everyday. Lisa and Missy are great and I cant wait until we can get together again. We are already planning a road trip. We thought Missy could meet me and Leslie and we'd pick up Michelle and head on up to Lisa's. We may have an extra seat or two if any one else wants to tag along. I'm sure it will be a trip of a life time.
We started off with dinner and a photo shoot. Then headed outside for another photo shoot and then Felicia took us to an amazing place for another photo shoot. I'm telling you, it looked like Elvis had rose from the dead with all the cameras flashing. I cant wait to get my camera and join in on the fun. But until then I'm thankful for great friends who love to take great pictures.
OMGosh, Marla! Where have you been? I didn't realize how much i have missed you unitl you showed back up! Don't you do that again! You ahve stayed away too long. New blog look!? Very pretty. Now I will go read some mor and catch up with you!
It sounds like you had a great night!
Oh, what a fun time!! And I'm in for a road trip. That sounds like so much fun!!
I can't WAIT to see the proof!!!!
Lol, there was quite the Mamarazzi going on wasn't there?! Just wanted to drop by and say what a nice time I had meeting everyone today. Your Adalyn is absolutely adorable and so spunky!
Gin =)
You know I want to do a road trip, whichever direction you go :) Had a great time tonight, sorry it had to end.
Hi Marla! I just went over to Felicia's blog a few minutes ago and told her how jealous I am! How fun! I met Lisa in January when she came to ATL. What a fun night you all had! And those pics are adorable!!!
Hope you have the best weekend ever!
Hi Marla,
I had so much fun meeting you and your little cutie pie....I got some great pictures of Adalyn that I will be sending your way! Our evening went so quickly and it felt sad to say goodbye....hope to see you all again soon! Anytime you all want to head this way, you just let me know:)
Hi Marla,
I just had to pop back in and say that Adalyn's outfit is the cutest little thing. Of course, so is she!! Adorable, adorable!!
I'm so glad you all had so much fun!!
Have a great weekend!
How fun. Lovely pics. I love the tulips!!
you know if you have an extra seat then you need to count me in! Looks like way too much fun!
I just LOVE you and Adalyn! You two crack me up! Hop on over to my blog and see the photos. They are sure to make you smile :)
Until next time, sweet friend!
Hilarious pictures of Adalyn! So glad you all were able to get together, what fun! ;)
What fun! And I love that Adalyn shows up in a tutu! My little Muriel has been knowing to do the same! (popped over from Felicia's)
Hi Marla,
I knew you all would have a great time! Lisa was sooooo excited about this and I do hope you come this way, so I can meet you all as well.
Great pics by the way:))
Hi Marla. Not sure if I've been to your blog before but now that all of your blogs are kinda linked together, I thought I'd come for a visit!
It looks like you guys couldn't have had a better time! The kids look like they've known each other forever.
Wish I was there!
Wow -- what a fun time! Great photos!
What fun pictures! Love the polka-dot outfit!
What fun pictures!!
how fun! Look at everyone having such a good time:)
Hey..I had to pop over b/c Missy said you are soooo much fun. She kept saying "Marla comments on your blog all the time so I know you "know" her" I kept telling her another Marla does but not you...Of course then I had to come see you for myself : ) Looks like such a fun time. Next time I am jumping in the car with Missy... the night y'all got together Paige was at my house : )
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